Brain Injury Consultation
Consultation for Counselors (and other professionals)
Whose Client/s Have Suffered Brain Injury
I offer consultation to counselors, and other professionals, with clients who have suffered (or show signs of) a brain injury. This complex, nuanced injury has a far reaching impact. Survivors are profoundly misunderstood, frequently missed, immensely isolated and seldom have the support of counseling. They deserve providers who are brain injury informed, and that's where I can help you.
My Background
To my consultations, I bring a background of over eleven years in the medical specialty of brain injury rehabilitation where I have seen hundreds of patients (ages four to 84) injured in a wide variety of ways, including the below:
Sub-concussive insults (jarring or blows of, or to, the head that don't meet concussion criteria), concussions, mild traumatic brain injury, traumatic brain injury and acquired brain injury from: motor vehicle accidents, soccer, football, snowboarding, cycling, assault, falls, Chiari malformation, Lyme's disease, rare genetic disorders, premature birth, difficult or traumatic birth (including the cord wrapped around the neck or reduced heart rate), heart defects, child abuse, orphanage deprivation, brain surgery, brain tumors, hypoxia during surgery and dental procedures, vitamin B12 deficiency, medication toxicity, mold exposure, seizures, neurologic conditions (such as multiple sclerosis), and many others. Many of these patients were referred to the medical clinic by neurologists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, osteopaths, primary care physicians, Progressive Rehabilitation Association (PRA), and OHSU (Oregon Health Sciences University).
How I Can Help You
With my background, I can help you understand the nuances and complexity of brain injury, recognize signs, symptoms (many not commonly known) and ongoing losses; identify potential areas of impact, teach you techniques to reduce the frequency and intensity of symptom spirals and brain crashes, understand common difficulties at work, in relationships, hobbies, and social relationships; point in to possible resources that may further brain healing and more.
Below, I've included an overview and you may also find the page for partners and family informative.
Brain Injury Key Points
To most effectively help your clients, there are some key things that are important to understand.
The vast majority of those who have suffered a some level of brain injury appear normal to most outsiders, yet it is an injury can impact almost every area of life. Brain injury is cumulative across the entire lifespan and sub-concussive brain insults are now more concerning to leading brain injury researchers, like Dr. Ann McKee at Boston University, than concussions are. This is because these insults occur with much greater frequency, are often asymptomatic, can apply equal or greater g-forces to the brain and can be as injurious (or more) than concussions.
We have paid a lot of attention to concussions. We are more aware of concussions. But it's really the repetitive minor injuries, the ones that are asymptomatic that occur on almost every play of the [football] game, the sub-concussive hits: that's the big problem.
~ Ann McKee.
Brain injury occurs across a wildly varied continuum: from asymptomatic, to mild to moderate symptoms, to life altering, to permanent disability, to degenerative brain disease (known as Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy), to long-term coma and death. Symptoms may not appear immediately, which can make it hard to connect symptoms with the event or events.
To add to all this, we have normalized insults to the brain to such a degree that we see without recognizing injury.
Let me unpack the above.
Cumulative Injury
Even if there were no noted (or lasting) symptoms, or it has been decades, like Legos, every insult builds upon the last. Each event lays a foundation for a later injury to have a greater or more lasting effect. So, injury to the brain has to be viewed across a lifespan. The cumulative load of any particular person is part of why one individual can have a massive car accident and seem to walk away unscathed, while another person has a small fender bender with a significant impact to everyday life.
Honestly, between innocent childhood bumps and bangs, high fevers, child abuse, sports, car accidents I don't know how anyone evades some harm to the brain. It's more of a question of whether the threshold has been crossed to lasting symptoms or ones that can't be ignored.
Redefining Injury: Non-Concussive Insults
The ongoing research by scientists like Dr. Ann McKee has radically redefined the understanding of brain injury, including that sub-concussive insults—once widely deemed harmless—have a long-term, cumulative impact. This means that individuals can suffer long-term cognitive harm without having had a single diagnosed concussion, irregardless of "clean" MRI or CT scans and without any loss of consciousness. Tragically, this has been slow to filter into public and even medical awareness.
Sub-concussive trauma to the brain is any insult to the brain, whether that be hits, jarring, blows, quick acceleration/deceleration or "ordinary" bumps and bangs. This includes small fender-benders, hitting one's head on a cabinet, sports (i.e. football tackles, Mixed Martial Arts, headers in soccer, crashes in snowboarding, skateboarding, etc.), domestic violence, and much more...
While the brain is encased in a hard skull, it floats in fluid and it is both tremendously vulnerable and fragile. As pointed out in the movie Concussion (worth watching), unlike other animals such as the PNW's Pileated Woodpecker which wraps its tongue around its brain before hammering into trees with 1,000 g's (source: Bainbridge Island Land Trust), humans have no such safeguard. Because of this, anytime the body experiences a blow or sudden acceleration or deceleration, the floating brain its thrown forward and back and hits the skull on two sides, regardless of whether the external skull physically hits anything, or not.
Inside the brain, the tissue is slightly different densities. This causes brain tissues travel at slightly different speeds, causing stretching, pulling and sheering, known as diffuse axonal injury. Because MRIs and CT scans are designed to detect gross structural changes in the brain, this level of injury is beyond what MRIs or CT imaging can detect.
The below clip from Concussion poignantly illustrates how this injury occurs. ​​​​​​
Normalization of Brain Injury
Our culture has normalized injury to the brain. It is embedded in our very language with phrases like, "Oh he just had his bell rung" and "Shake it off!" We laugh at and cheer on hard football tackles and knock-out punches in MMA and boxing. Our children play high risk sports including soccer, football, hockey, rugby, and snowboarding while their brains are still developing and more vulnerable to injury. After car accidents, we say, "I walked away without a scratch." And if I may be so brave, we fiercely support sports such as football, which cause a disturbing number of players to suffer Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (a progressive brain disease set in motion by chronic, repetitive head injury).
With so much not only culturally normalized, but celebrated (!), we tragically don't identify the injury or recognize the symptoms when they appear.
If parents fully understood what happens to the brain in contact sports, particularly football, and the long-term implications I honestly believe that no parent who holds the well-being of their children at heart, would ever allow their child to play.
The Continuum of Injury
Perhaps because of the visceral horror that it evokes in our bodies, the most common image of brain injury is the extreme.
Let me give an example. In college, a friend's cousin was in severe motorcycle accident. Recklessly riding at 160 MPH on a gravel road, he got a speed wobble that crashed him full speed into a telephone pole. Astoundingly, he lived, but he broke nearly every bone in his body, was life flighted and in a coma for several months. Those are the stories that stick with us.
But far more common, brain injury is the face of people all around us. People whose intelligence and social graces mask their symptoms. The effects, nevertheless, can be utterly devastating. Cumulative sub-concussive trauma, concussions, and minor traumatic brain injuries can affect everything from finances and career, to relationships, hobbies, sleep, the ability to tolerate visually and sensorilly complex places such as grocery stores, tolerate light and motion and basic quality of life and health. Often, the impact is all of the above. To the uninformed, this collection of symptoms, and the ways individuals cope with them, looks very strange.
These patients often go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed and are repeatedly missed, dismissed and gaslit by the medical community, partners, family, friends, employers and colleagues.
The Breadth of Impact
Many have to attempt to continue to work, while their lives and health are in tatters, so they didn't lose their home. This, in turn, doesn't allow the brain the critical rest needed to heal. Frequently, survivors have to change jobs, take reduced hours or are fired. Many with long-term or permanent injuries are denied repeatedly by disability. Not to mention that these individuals typically also have to fight insurance for coverage of the very basics of their medically necessary care. At home, their relationships are under duress. Their partners become caregiver and their children lose a parent. Outside of the house, friends are offended that their friend doesn't go out to social events anymore. Hobbies that once provided respite and replenishment now cause motion sickness or headaches.
Brain injury can rob a person of nearly everything.
If my writing sounds urgent and passionate, it is because I have sat with hundreds of patients living with the long-term effects of cumulative injury.
​Identifying Brain Injury
Below, I've compiled common myths that can obscure identifying the presence or lingering effects of brain injury, common paths to injury and common symptoms (many of which are not widely known outside of realm of concussion specialists).
Common Myths
You have to hit your head to injure the brain. There are two fabulous clips from the movie Concussion that illustrate the myth of this well: Evolutionary Protection, and Brain in a Jar.
If the MRI or CT scan was clean, no injury occurred
Concussions require a loss of consciousness
Concussions symptoms always resolve in hours or weeks.
If the brain has been injured there are always symptoms
Your brain can fully heal after a concussion or injury to the brain
After 1-2 years, that is the most healing that can occur
Brain injuries are primarily severe (i.e. open head wound, loss of capacity to speak).
Contact sports are safe to play. I highly recommend watching the movie Concussion.
Helmets prevent concussions
You have to hit your head to be injured
You have to blackout to meet concussion criteria
Sports such as soccer and football don't have a long-term impact on the brain
Return to Play rules ensure it's safe to return to play
Mild Traumatic Brain Injury means the symptoms and life impact are mild.
Paths to Brain Injury
A difficult or traumatic birth (i.e. cord wrapped around the neck, reduced oxygen/heart rate).
Premature birth
Concussions, even if symptoms appear to have resolved
Subconcussive trauma—any hit, bump, bang, jarring or acceleration/decleration of the brain that doesn't meet full concussion criteria
Car accidents (regardless of whether the head physically hits anything)
Air bag deployment
Sports: especially football, soccer, hockey, snowboarding, and waterskiing, as well as roller derby, baseball (fastball anyone?), rock climbing (falls even if the head doesn't physically hit anything), and cycling (being driven off the road or hit by vehicles).
Surgery—research indicates that anesthesia can have similar effects as a concussion
Hypoxia or loss of oxygen: this includes heart attacks, choking, and low oxygen during surgery or dental sedation.
"Normal" childhood bumps and bangs (i.e. falling out of a highchair)
Chemo or radiation
Brain surgery
Brain tumors
Neurological conditions, such as multiple sclerosis
Childhood abuse and trauma (i.e. shaken baby)
Blacking out
Chronic migraines
Bumping the head on common things such as car doors, cabinets, light fixtures
Things falling on the head
War (especially blast exposure)
Common Signs and Symptoms​
While not a comprehensive list, below is a collection of common symptoms that together form the hallmark of brain injury. If someone has light sensitivity—perk your ears up. If your client also experiences motion sensitivity (hands moving, crowds, riding/driving in a car, watching action movies, being on a boat, watching waves, difficulty with escalators), it's time to start thinking about the possibility of some level of injury to the brain. If either of these trigger headaches or nausea—stop in your tracks and start inquiring more.
Even if your client cannot identify a cause, if a number or many of these symptoms are experienced, chances of some level of injury are high. Because brain injury is cumulative, there may not be any one significant moment to point to but rather a collection of smaller incidents. Additionally, because many insults to the brain are discounted or normalized or injury occurred years prior, your client may not even think to mention significant events. ​
Photophobia (light sensitivity)
Reduced balance or confidence in balance
Sensory overwhelm
Difficulty reading (i.e. loss of interest or avoidance; loss of place, skipping words/lines, reduced comprehension, re-reading, slower speed)
Fatigue, discomfort, strain, pain, or headaches when reading
Visual motion hypersensitivity (especially riding in cars, being in a crowd, or people talking with their hands)
"Grocery Store Syndrome" (difficulty with visually and sensorially complex environments)
Difficulty with screens/computer vision syndrome
Unspecified Visual Disturbances (this unique to the individual, but is often seen with the eyes closed at night or at the point of exhaustion. This can appear as lines, colors, stars, fireworks, et cetera)
Slurred speech, especially when tired or exhausted
Being or feeling less articulate
Brain fog
Mild to extreme exhaustion
Intermittent or persistent difficulty with finding words (often masked well by thoughtful pauses)
Taxed by conversation (this may cause exhaustion or even migraines)
Difficulty reading (headaches, eye fatigue, nausea, reduced fluency, reduced word decoding or recognition, poor comprehension, flat expression, skipping words or lines, difficulty tracking, overwhelm with a full page of text...)
Reduced memory
Hyperacusis (auditory sensitivity)
Difficulty scrolling
Symptomatic with high contrast patterns (such as black and white tile floors)
Symptomatic with patterned carpet (especially if colorful)
Reduced or poor depth perception
Avoids or fears escalators
Fear of heights
Avoids or fears elevators
Difficulty crossing bridges
Difficulty with light/dark patterns (i.e. sunlight through tree or the trusses of a bridge)
Avoiding driving on the highway
Double vision
Accidentally breaks things
Drifting to one side while walking
Leaning off center forwards or backwards
Startling easily (sometimes particularly on one side, or equally)
Reduced peripheral awareness (cars, people, or objects may appear to come out of nowhere)
Trouble timing crossing a road
Change in ability to spell
Change in facility with jigsaw puzzles
Change in navigational or directional skills
Head pressure
Discomfort, pain, or pressure in or around the eyes
Needing to ground or heighten proprioception (i.e. dragging a finger or hand along a wall, or suddenly wearing scarves, hoodies, or high neck shirts/sweaters).
Disrupted sleep
Emotion dysregulation
Less Common Brain Injury Symptoms Include:
Change in color perception
Change in taste
Change in temperature regulation or sensation
Stuttering, especially when tired
Feeling the nerves (i.e across the face, often related to the injury site)
Reduced or poor lymphatic drainage
Commotio Retinae (this can be caused by airbag deployment)​
If what I have written here has been of help, I invite you to schedule a consult with me.